Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Indian currency speaks... the economy is run by leeches

Look at our old coins in the pictures above.......wow the coin design itself symbolises the richness we had....thanks to our political leaders and economic spearheads, the current 1 rupee looks like scrap and in future we might become 'paper only currency' economy, and then we might use recycled paper for currency soon... oh my country, what r the power mongers doing to u...............sob,sob,sob,sob :(

Saturday, August 11, 2012

for the Wannabe.....

For most its what you are that matters, than what you wannabe!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Make others Feel...... GOOD!

Its not what u say,
Its not what u do,
Its what u make others feel,
That matters,
So make others feel good!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Leadership and Management

Leadership is a situational affair


Management is a positional affair!

Leadership serves our heart


Management serves our pockets!


what we talk.... matters!

Finding reasons can only add to our problems, but finding solutions reduces our problems

...........so stop the blame games..........

Focus on a problem and not on a person... this resolves the problem.... forever!


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Study not, learn yes!

‎"its not abt wat u study but its wat u learn that makes a diff."


Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Best Teacher

My best teacher was never a human,
It is physical, eternal and It is

1. Time
2. Internet
3. Books

These involved humans but never was human bound.

Thus i realise education is truely in free spirit and must be eternally available. It shouldn't be bound by structured organisations or rule book peoples.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Change- the only constant

"God gifted genius combined with man gifted intelligence will revolutinise the world"

Friday, March 23, 2012

Devil Within

"Everybody has a devil within, its how much you leash or unleash it; this makes the difference between being a good or bad person"

Friday, March 16, 2012

Law of Gravity

Thinking of life's ups and downs gets me to the universal law of gravity, its so damn true even philosophically speaking and how?

"When one falls down in life its pretty fast and its assisted by some force.... But when one climbs up its slow and difficult and one has to do it all by himself with few opposite forces acting against"

So the Gravitational Laws even govern our non-physical life......

The force that assists in our fall and acts against our climb is similar to gravity...since gravity is related to land, mostly the forces acting against are lowly stationed at the point where we start off.... and speaking based on science mostly anything that goes up has to come down, this also happens with most peoples life; the only few exceptions are like shuttles.... they climb up way too fast to defy gravity and reach the space, the abode of stars... and people who are truly successful on earth are called 'stars', which means they have little chances of falling down, they defy gravity.... Even death can't destroy stardom, its existence is immortal for time, but for a commoner, with death he is consumed by the gravitational land and forgotten with time.

And i feel we have to defy gravity to ensure true success, for which we need to have highly combustible fuel (read emotions) and a rightly tuned engine (read brains, tuning here is the intelligence gained) which can get us to starly success (read true success).... and one should be ready for a fatal fall if anything screws up.... that's the reason truly successful people stay on top for life... and if they fall they disastrously end up their lives or perish into non-existence something similar to what happens to a shuttle or star when it falls....

The thought that i liked using Physics in my Philosophical Thinking for the first time is weird because both are contrasting subjects.... one is based on facts and the other on rational reasoning... one to me is dry and the other is interesting... one to most is boring and other engaging!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A broken heart's decisions are for eternity

"A broken heart initiates the toughest emotions thats hard for one's brain to conquer, thus decisions made with a broken heart are tough enough to stay for life"

Dying Rich

"Many who cannot live rich, pursue money, loose life and then die rich"

p.s.- Money like woman is a choice of the heart, when heart decides brain can't deny. The logical center has a feeble stance infront of the emotional center.

Monday, February 27, 2012

standing by

" A wise one stands by his thought,
A brave one stands by his word,
An intellectual stands by his knowledge,
A layperson stands by, for an oppurtunity"


Thinking about why mostly a common person (a layperson) stays common for his life and the chosen higher hierarchial few tend to progress and lead over the commoner; i came to the conclusion that all that made the difference was his choice, his choice of what he stood by, his choice of waiting for an oppurtunity and not exercising his other faculties.

Beautiful Girl

A musing after a long time;

Beautiful Girl

" A Beautiful girl is like alcohol
Too much of it in short time will kill you
A little of it over a period of time will lead to a healthier life"

Now settle down my stirred up emotion..............its 0239H go to sleep!