Sunday, November 20, 2016

View point

Opinions matter, but to what extent is completely under one's control.

Everybody experiences life from their view point.

You can talk what you want to talk since I have my choice on what to listen. Talk sense my ears and brains are at your service; talk crap my ears still do their job but my brains have the skill required to snap off.

Thanks to some boring lectures in my engineering college days for the listening skills mastery!

You learn from everything, its what you learn that makes the difference to your life. Feel free to have a view point but please make it sensible.



Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Religion, an outdated concept

There is too much emphasis on religion by most in the world... why is it difficult for people to realise human free will is more important and that is the reason for evolution and all the comforts that come along with it.. Religion is an outdated concept which has expired its purpose.

I wish people realise religions were invented by people in their limited knowledge environments for their quest for spirituality and not the other way around. All inventions have its use by date and a concept called religion doesn't deserve so much human attention especially in todays era of advanced knowledge based soceity. Religion is only a partially comforting medium to the socially conditioned mind which needs to be phased out with time.

Only human free will reigns supreme and its way above so called concepts like religion or facts like science.