Monday, March 23, 2009


fIRE is an element that has always fascinated me as many a times, i felt, i identified with it. Then one day i happen to go through this small book that i got as a compliment from a fair stall years back that had some titbits about compatibility with regards to zodiac... hmmm, now with my growing interest in zodiacs and the very much compatibility curiosity in my mind i decide to read through it with my brains on overdrive with its analysis.... and voila i realise that i am a fire i understand why the warm human in me turns ultra ferocious when provoked..... then i keep pondering about this for a while and explore another fact that i did write an analogue in my diary of my anger in comparison to the nature of fire, a snippet of this analogue is as follows....

I am fIRE. Every hurt and loss in my life is like fuel to the fire. The fire starts getting bigger and stronger with more fuel. And with time, the fire due to its strength from more fuel in it, stops giving warmth and starts burning down whatever thats on its way. The fire is feared due to its destructive force but all it wants is to give more warmth & light and thus get loved...But fire doesn't get to determine its purpose but the circumstances is what that fuels it...thus with time people learn to... Respect Fire, Fire knows no fear and it never shall!...A raging fire can convert water to steam, earth to ash and consume air of its life....A warm fire can make water usable to sustain life, give earth warmth and give shape&size to the invisible air by coexistence...

Now,now,now... this above snippet from my diary was written while i was expressing my anger through writings during some bad time... but a wisdom thought that has come to me NOW is that fire isn't just destructive by more fuel but can also get constructive with more fuel though it needs to control itself... and my source of this wisdom is none other than our life giving SUN and the other stars of our galaxy who are nothing but huge globes of fire with loads of fuel....So,so,so i come to the conclusion that control your anger and change(redirect) your energies for more useful purposes like our very own SUN!

P.S.: For all those curious souls out there reading this, the elements that identify with your zodiac are as follows,
THE FIRE ELEMENT: (ARIES March 21-April 19, LEO July 23-August 22, SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21)
THE AIR ELEMENT: (GEMINI, May 21-June 21, LIBRA, September 23-October 22, AQUARIUS, January 20-February 18)
THE WATER ELEMENT: (CANCER, June 22-July 22, SCORPIO, OCTOBER 23-November 21, PISCES February 19-March 20)
THE EARTH ELEMENT: (TAURUS, April 20-May 20, VIRGO, August 23-September 22, CAPRICORN December 22-January 19)

And as far as compatibility of these signs are concerned its easy to figure out with the ease in which each gets along with the other, for example fire gets along well with air but not water and can coexist with earth… so just figure that out for yourself! U need to stimulate your brain cells too… and believe me its easy and worth the effort!

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