Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is being pro-Hindu in India being communal?

I am just upset about the fact that calling oneself a Hindu and acting like one has been tagged communal in our country. I believe discrimination is now towards the majority population of Hindus and not any minorities. The corrupt politicians are taking advantage of this very syndrome in our biased people. The corrupt politicians of our country are selfish people playing vote bank politics and thus a hindrance to progress! They are no different than the British who ruled our country using divide and rule. And our junta is falling for their poll-tact-tics [synonym of politics] than using their brains in determining the reality and the very goodness of unity. LIVE and LET LIVE! I think this is what all religions convey in their morals and principles, some interpret it wrong making idiots of themselves and the community and as there is no shortage of fools on earth, there are bound to be followers for the same. But does that mean even sensible and educated ones fall for this, defeating the very purpose of religion. The corrupt politcians who form the majority in politics are more powerful than the few honest politicians who form a minority, it is this minority that needs empowerment and not any religion based minorities of our nation. So lets focus on people who can assure good governance and not security for a community because that’s upto the law establishments to provide and not any hoodwink politician! A good politician strengthens the system and security for all is part of the system, you need a visionary to guide the system and not any brawny idiot in khadi.

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