Monday, June 15, 2009

Q & A?

I have always wondered why some people don't answer questions even though it is obvious that they know the answers or are supposed to. And now i have come to an understanding that there are only 3 reasons for it. One, he doesn't know the answer or acts ignorance to prove the same. If he by circumstance or profession is supposed to know the same and states/acts ignorance; he is an idiot by choice and deserves to be treated like one. He ought realise that 'Knowledge doesn't diminish but instead enhances by propagation'. Making knowledge classified diminishes its potential of growth and thus its usages/benefits. Two, he is insecure onto himself and feels [slave of perceptions] challenged when questioned. There could be multiple reasons for his insecurity but this trait is a proven trademark of an idiotic confused head. These confused heads might not come across as idiots due to their decieving presence and confined intellect, but with time are to be proven idiots who never reached their potential. Some of my basic reasoning of this kinda insecure people that i have come across and their thought process are as follows. He is sure by sharing his knowledge , he would make you more intelligent than himself. His sense of purpose and success lies in making his known informations classified, these are kinda people who are a bane to humanity and equality in existence. They feel entitled to their knowledge, not realising it was someone's intelligence that they have no right over that is their knowledge today. Thus his sense of identity is only his learned knowledge and not any significant intelligence.
Knowledge is a raw material for intelligence and is a vastly available commodity with no unique significance in ownership apart from its originator, whereas intelligence is a developed sense of action that later is turned to others knowledge for abundant use. Intelligence actually serves the purpose that knowledge is presumed to. The true intellect is unique,original and never threatened.
Three, he truely considers you to be a fool or untrustworthy or biased. But this applies only in very few cases in anyone's life and only if the person in question is intelligent enough for the subject in question and does have the judgemental maturity to exercise this reason. But instead if the person in question uses this as a predominant habit, he is a fool in an intellect's hide. This third reason isn't applicable to professionals who do use this as a cover to their ineptitude in their profession. Some of the examples of such professionals (the word is a disgrace when used for addressing such people) are teachers(it reminds me of most of my useless mech.engg. prof's and lect's, these reasons are some of their predominant traits to cover up their lack of knowledge), doctors (Godfathers of Jargons), lawyers( they head the list of people who could complicate simple things, their motto: never thing straight), engineers (the know alls of borrowed knowledge, in reality predominantly the know nothings who just apply age old principles in working and don't really find much, yet claim credit with the famous slogan : 'engineers make the world', it should be rather read as 'engineers are used to make the world', it's the guys in financial control who makes the decision and engineers just execute it, no real decisions taken here. The reason i insist on the third reason not being applied to these professionals is that they are highly accountable by the nature of their job and hence are supposed to be responsible in answering questions to any tom,dick and harry without judgementing as their accountability requirements do not allow them to be judgemental in replying queries. They are the most respectable servants of the society, at a higher social strata though, and not the masters of the same. If these professionals display this third reason as a right to their discreation, it just implies they are ineptitude.

When Q? pls A. and not A? {means-why answer} - do so as it is a means of amiability and accountability in existence. -SGN

P.S: The usage of masculine gender for addressing a subject is just for the convenience of writing and has no bias in reason. Whats written is applicable to any gender.

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