Thursday, July 2, 2009

Laziness, procastination and conclusive thinking is a worst concoction!

For sometime now i wanted to analyse my worst short comings and did realise that procastination would top the list followed by laziness.... i even procastinated in analysing this and have been lazy to get working on it.. but then i did realise that these are characteristics that are more personal when used singularly and doesn't have much of social significance for a seasoned player of these traits who knows the ways to handle situations arising out of it, and people ain't bothered abt when u do wat u want/have to, as long as it doen't affect them... lot of experience in carrying on these useless traits.... but then, voila, noticed that i do have multiple other characteristics that i use along with these, in combinations these traits are more disastrous and were in unidentified existence,.. and has brought in good enough reasons for embarassing social situations... hmmm, now the birth of this quote, thats the blog title has a story behind it and ofcourse the luxury of lot of free time that i am using in penning this blog .... feels good that i have started ignoring procastination signals from my head for this pursuit....

Now coming to the story, i have this college buddy who hap to put in a video abt a TOI campaign using nakku mukka music, this song has diff lyrics though it starts with the same nakku mukka words...

The flashback:

Now this song comes in a movie called Kadhalil Vizhudhen, one of the worst movies that i sat through in the recent past, mistake of believing the belief with which SUN took this as their maiden venture into movie production, distribution and marketing...A crappy decision camouflaged by brilliant marketing, putting their tv network to full use.... Coming to the music of this movie, it was done by Vijay Antony (wud address him VA from now)... it was good, expect for the fact that he robbed music from Rihanna's unfaithful for another popular track 'unnakku enna nan' from the same movie. Yet i was all in appreciation for VA for his nakku mukka creation. Now when i saw this video of TOI campaign, i branded him a copycat and was in all hatred for this id**t who was getting celebrated for others creations, that he claims as his. Now though i had this anger i didn't pursue in an effort to express the same, again laziness comes into picture...

Now the the flashback is over, back to the main story :

So i find this video put on his facebook account , oppurtunity for me to express my pent up anger abt VA, so i post in my comments there along with the video, so that i could stop atleast a few more people believing that this guy has significant talent to be looked out for.... now to save my time in repetitive writing, i am copy pasting the comments below,

Santosh G Nair at 12:33pm July 1
so this was the beginnin for the nakku mukka song... like the egg ad music in panchathantiram.. this music was also f...kin robbed! In the same movie KV of nakku mukka, vijay antony robbed music for an other song from Rihanna named unfaithful... and this VA a...ole is celebrated for robbed music! hmm deva sishya pulange..

Amith Nag at 1:19pm July 1
no.. this wasnt copied by vijay antony.. this is an ad campaign by ToI who have used the Naaka Muka song with different lyrics...

Santosh G Nair at 11:15am July 2
oops shud hav googled befor writin in..atleast he copied his own stuff for this...anyways thanks for the info... laziness and conclusive thinkin is a worst concoction! hmmm...

Avalathan, indha padham situation dialogue, sarri padham illa pa, indha dialogue in blog and 'only' FB pa, ana story continues climax irrukku pa..

Story continues:

Here i used my trait of laziness with my conclusive thinking ability to determine this VA guy is a sishya pula of deva, the master of copied music in tamil film industry. National egg ad music kuda copy adicha panie inda deva!. What i didn't realise is that my laziness trait has taken precedence here and i haven't done any reasearch for my assumptions that led to my conclusive thinking into branding this VA as a sishya pula of deva, one song music copying cannot make anyone a sishya pula of deva, only persistence in the same can get VA there.... Oru google search pani info verify pane kudi laziness, kadhuvule kapate...enne on priority list'le kapate... Now i know how perceptions (i hate this trait in people and now am a subject of the same) are born...So my determined decision without basic reasearch before conclusions led me to the situation where my college classmate had to correct me with his knowledge. I was lazy enough to ignore the fact that conclusive thinking comes out of research by oneself and not any stated fact/assumption from even a reliable source. Here the source was adiyaen (the servant in me that serves me, simpla nan than pa) only. The assumption that led me to it was that TOI launch was much before the movie release and normally a movie music is exclusive to its makers and isn't used in any ad campaigns. The assumption (if reasearched cud be termed knowledge instead of mere assumption) that i didn't have was that both these works cud have the same creator , which would have come out of a google search and i would have made a proper conclusive decision rather than a ill-researched determined conclusion on a public social networking site like facebook. Now thats a worst concoction since two traits (laziness and conclusive thinking) of mine worked in tandem creating disaster.
Climax, time ayedichu :

Thus now to save myself out of the situation, i decided to thank my buddy for his info and also write a blog which could be used as a thought provoking gesture for me to get rid of the traits of laziness and ofcourse my toplister procastination. And the message penned by kalaignar nyan avargal is "Laziness, procastination and conclusive thinking is a worst concoction!"(Nalla padam na msg venum, entertainment matum ila). I wanted also to make it a humorous one, which is my way of saying sorry to the embarassment that i caused myself,amith,many others who hap to read through the FB page and definitely VA for terming him the sishya pula of deva and some explicit abuses that i chose to shower him with, but though i have a whiff of after thought that he will achieve that distinction in times to come. Only time can answer that non-conclusive thought of mine.

The End
Movie Title : Nakku Mukka Concoction
Music: Vijay Antony
Story: Vidhi
Screenplay: Kalaignar Nyan Avargal
Producer: Blogspot
Media partners: google,orkut,facebook
Direction: Kalaignar Nyan Avargal
Introducing: Laziness and Conclusive thinking
Guest Appearance: Procastination
Our special thanks to : You the audience
Movie review: Neenga comment sona thane theruyum, manaseku ena thonudo ada ezhyuthitu po.... okay'va!

English Subtitles: Ur comments to this will be its review, so write in ur comment about what u feel abt this after u finish reading this blog. It's ok right!

P.S.: For those who didn't have the joy of listening to nakku mukka yet, the youtube video links are as below:

The TOI ad campaign song link:

The KV movie song link:


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tribute to a Legend!

Michael Jackson, a talent worshipped by many around the world isn't on this earth anymore. A definite seperation is felt though i haven't known this person on any personal front and never was a die hard fan or follower of his either. But still one feels a vacuum when someone so irreplaceble leaves. No more comebacks of this genius can be expected, but why was a comeback even required for such a huge successful genius, whose past works will keep him alive in the minds and hearts of others for times to come. MJ, the king of pop, a true entertainer and a super dancer, for millions who still take him as an inspiration today for his skills in dancing, inspite of the numerous talents after him shows how talented,loved and respected was this guy to the world of music and entertainment. A life filled with success, fame, wealth and finally riddled with controversies,scandals and debts is what this genius bargained for with life. A peaceful death is definitely something that he deserved and obtained. I feel this early death to him was appropriate. More disgrace to such a remarkable genius was definitely not an acceptable expectance to have, as it was almost a certain possibility with his volatile lifestyle choices. Its said that the very popularity and success of the music channel MTV during its initial days had to do with the rise of MJ and his ever entertaining work. The music industry during his heydays thrived on his success. MJ once said to our very own desi musical genius Rahman at LA after Oscars, 'he did his music and danced from his heart, and he liked indians a lot' . A colloboration of these 2 talents was in the offing , initiated by MJ himself. A world of talent was this international star found in a talent hunt in US and a true distinct talent from America. He was a true entertainer. People around the world loved him for his genius and his ever entertaining work. The many controversies and scandals that dogged him cannot perish his ever memorable genius in music. R.I.P. M.J., the legend dies but his work remains forever and ever and ever.....! You are immortal for the many millions who loved and respected you! Let the music play on....

Monday, June 22, 2009


I go to a swimming pool,
As I wanna do something cool,
And I enroll into the swimming school,
As I wanna swim by the rule!

I am put to a coach,
Who swims like a roach,
Who works with sloth,
As I wonder on what i got!

He walks around the pool,
Talks with his colleagues uncool,
To make an impression,
That i need to do something for his attention.

I wonder what to do,
I gotta make him do what he needs to,
I walk upto him,
And try talkin to him.
I understand that,
To get him smile,
Requires me to bribe,
With a big gandhi in a smile.

He nods his head,
Even before a word is uttered,
And makes me wear a tube undetered.
This does make me rested and feel more protected.

He puts me on a side pipe,
Wants me to hold it tight,
He asks me to stiffen my hands,
And lighten my legs.

Then he holds my legs and starts his learned words,
Bend,kick, join.
Bend,kick, JOINN

The words keep echoeing in my head,
I am fed with the routine to be kept,
I wonder have i got it right,
And my hands lighten and legs get stiffened.

And as I wonder about my new found fright,
And donna wanna appear a fool in sight,
I call him to guide me through,
As my routine turns into something i have made upto.

I wanna get my routine straight,
Wanted him to correct me right,
He holds my toe down,
And repeats, now our learned words.

bend,kick, join.
Bend,kick, JOINN,
bend,kick, Joinn.

-Santosh Gopi Nair

Afterword: This was my experience during my first day of swimming classes, don't know how much swimming i learned on that day, but definitely got an inspiration to sketch a funny poem. The whole experience of going to these classes is turning to be skeptically funny due to the corrupt slothy way the coaches there function; i am half way through the program now and still feel like a novice in this skill. I ain't know how better i am gonna swim after this whole program but do know that i got the survival skills (predominantly self learned by realisation once the protection tube was removed) to be in water for a while and swim kinda a survivor strugglin for survival. But i still remember the first and only coached lesson learned,...Bend,Kick,Join....Bend,Kick,Join.
...Bend,Kick,Join... guru ve namaha!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Being RIGHT!

The world is getting filled with people who are more interested in proving themselves right rather than being or doing right. It's like driving without proper directions and reaching a destination in a longer route by once presumptions and assumptions, unmindful of the traffic created, fuel burned or time wasted thus fueling havoc and being more interested in figuring the route thus proving oneself right. But instead, if one looks at a map or asks known people for directions and take the right routes, he reaches his destination more efficiently and does right..The former serves his egos, the later feeds others ego, starves his and gets his job done effectively and efficiently right.

The Gyan from Nyan: Cater to others ego, never serve yours! . This is a sure shot way to success as this makes you a no fuss guy, improves peace within, increases networking, increases the sources of knowledge and most importantly a better human with straight positive solutions rather than a 'clustered filter in mind person' who decides whether to go through with a positive or negative solutions based on his egoistic emotions rather than logical solutions. Emotions create short term solutions and long term problems. Logic creates all time solutions.

P.S.: 'Nyan' is a malayalam term meaning 'Me' or 'myself' or 'oneself'. 'The Gyan from Nyan' will be a column within the blog, from now on, conveying msgs wherever applicable. Keep reading the blogs and write your opinions.

Q & A?

I have always wondered why some people don't answer questions even though it is obvious that they know the answers or are supposed to. And now i have come to an understanding that there are only 3 reasons for it. One, he doesn't know the answer or acts ignorance to prove the same. If he by circumstance or profession is supposed to know the same and states/acts ignorance; he is an idiot by choice and deserves to be treated like one. He ought realise that 'Knowledge doesn't diminish but instead enhances by propagation'. Making knowledge classified diminishes its potential of growth and thus its usages/benefits. Two, he is insecure onto himself and feels [slave of perceptions] challenged when questioned. There could be multiple reasons for his insecurity but this trait is a proven trademark of an idiotic confused head. These confused heads might not come across as idiots due to their decieving presence and confined intellect, but with time are to be proven idiots who never reached their potential. Some of my basic reasoning of this kinda insecure people that i have come across and their thought process are as follows. He is sure by sharing his knowledge , he would make you more intelligent than himself. His sense of purpose and success lies in making his known informations classified, these are kinda people who are a bane to humanity and equality in existence. They feel entitled to their knowledge, not realising it was someone's intelligence that they have no right over that is their knowledge today. Thus his sense of identity is only his learned knowledge and not any significant intelligence.
Knowledge is a raw material for intelligence and is a vastly available commodity with no unique significance in ownership apart from its originator, whereas intelligence is a developed sense of action that later is turned to others knowledge for abundant use. Intelligence actually serves the purpose that knowledge is presumed to. The true intellect is unique,original and never threatened.
Three, he truely considers you to be a fool or untrustworthy or biased. But this applies only in very few cases in anyone's life and only if the person in question is intelligent enough for the subject in question and does have the judgemental maturity to exercise this reason. But instead if the person in question uses this as a predominant habit, he is a fool in an intellect's hide. This third reason isn't applicable to professionals who do use this as a cover to their ineptitude in their profession. Some of the examples of such professionals (the word is a disgrace when used for addressing such people) are teachers(it reminds me of most of my useless mech.engg. prof's and lect's, these reasons are some of their predominant traits to cover up their lack of knowledge), doctors (Godfathers of Jargons), lawyers( they head the list of people who could complicate simple things, their motto: never thing straight), engineers (the know alls of borrowed knowledge, in reality predominantly the know nothings who just apply age old principles in working and don't really find much, yet claim credit with the famous slogan : 'engineers make the world', it should be rather read as 'engineers are used to make the world', it's the guys in financial control who makes the decision and engineers just execute it, no real decisions taken here. The reason i insist on the third reason not being applied to these professionals is that they are highly accountable by the nature of their job and hence are supposed to be responsible in answering questions to any tom,dick and harry without judgementing as their accountability requirements do not allow them to be judgemental in replying queries. They are the most respectable servants of the society, at a higher social strata though, and not the masters of the same. If these professionals display this third reason as a right to their discreation, it just implies they are ineptitude.

When Q? pls A. and not A? {means-why answer} - do so as it is a means of amiability and accountability in existence. -SGN

P.S: The usage of masculine gender for addressing a subject is just for the convenience of writing and has no bias in reason. Whats written is applicable to any gender.

Random thoughts!

Coexistence is the most useful and easiest virtue that one should have, but the one most easily abandoned and neglected in our busy lives. And one keeps himself busy not by working(for living) but by competition, ego, anxiety, selfishness and greed. One who towers over all are plenty but one who towers over oneself are rare few; the former leaves a mark but the latter creates a mark- S.G.N.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Passion in Life

One day I go to a restaurant,
I order for an icecream,
I get pastries on my table.
I tell the restaurateur,
'Thats not what I ordered'.
I get no reply.
I then ask him frustrated,
'Why don't I get my ice cream?'
I get no reply; he just stares,
At the pastries, reminding me of what i got.
I look at the pastries
I eat it out of no choice,
As i am hungry.
I keep going back, as i couldn't afford other choices and since 'one has to move on'
With time, I get used to my pastries.
Days pass, on a day when i wait for the same.
I get served icecreams instead!
I didn't want it then,
I am happy with my pastries.
I am at a state of shock and anger.
I stare at the restaurateur.
He looks back and reminds me of my past order.
I tell him, 'I now want my pastries'
He tells me,'But these icecreams were made for you'
I stay angry but remain confused,
He understands and tells me 'I know you loved the pastries,'
'But now its time for you to enjoy the icecreams, you craved for the same'.
The pastries were for your hunger
And the icecreams for your passion.
I say 'Hunger stays, passion fades'
He says 'you don't know yet,'
'When passion stays it changes to hunger'
'To satiate your hunger, i fed you with what you wanted.'
'Your innerself craved for your passion'
'Your outerself was slaved to your complacence'

Success might come late in what one wants passionately.
One should never loose his passion for failure or complacence, but for purpose yes.
With time, you will start loving to do what you do as you get conditioned to it.
But thats not what you really set out to do!
So enjoy the present but wait and prepare yourself for a future that you wanted in the past.
Keep the passion alive and let the fire within burn and not rage itself.
When it burns,it lasts longer; when it rages,it destroys you.

Stay hungry with your passions in mind, but keep living by filling your heart with all joys of your present.
-Santosh Gopi Nair

restaurant -> life
restaurateur -> fate/luck/vidhi/time/ whatever people call this compulsive phenomena thats experienced in life, my logical mind hates refering to it, but my compulsive unexpectant lifestyle leaves me with no choice but accept it as a reality.
hunger -> need to move on and experience life further, its a purpose and not a passion.
innerself -> subconscious
outerself -> conscious
happiness of routine (getting served pastries regularly) -> complacence in life (everyone experiences this variedly at different stages of their life).
disgust at getting icecreams -> Lack of passion/ fire within that was once present!
reason for late serve of icecreams -> man wishes, time decides.-. man explores,time proposes,time disposes.-.(But when) man wants, time obeys! (Stay passionate!)

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Imagination is like a wild horse,
In a stable.
Its beautiful and calm,
Makes you believe in it!

Its under your control,
Its not?
Near it, you know it.
It needs to be tamed!

The stable is your brain,
It holds your imagination,
Its never in peace.
Its wildness is scary yet attractive!

You need to tame the horse,
You need to make it obey you,
You are its master,
Ride your imagination!
-Santosh Gopi Nair
P.S.: The poem is mine and the pics are, thanks to the anonymous souls who load it on, google images. The first one is copyrighted to Bob though, thanks Bob.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

White Paper

When one's born he's a white paper

Fresh and clean out of production,

Waiting to be written on,

Waiting for time's experimentation.


The white paper gets known by

Whats on it, a painting,

Few well written verses,

Few scribblings or all in proportions.


A white paper thats rejected and not used,

Turns out a dead orphan.

A white paper thats rejected but used,

Turns out a used orphan.


A white paper thats scribbled on,

Turns out an unwanted ruffian.

A white paper thats written on,

Turns out a civilised human.


A white paper thats scribbled and then written on,

Turns out a social parasite.

A white paper thats written and then scribbled on,

Turns out a rebel.


A white paper thats used,

Neither written nor scribbled,

Is what that achieves its purpose,

Its painted!


A white paper thats used,

And has all the above in proportions,

A jack of all trades,

Is a confused soul!


A white paper thats (only)painted,

Exibits freedom,purpose and value.

Its a joy to all.

Its glorious colours shining!


A white paper thats painted,

Gets treasured and respected,

For the work in it.

Making it proud of itself.


A white paper thats painted,

Brings joy and happiness,

To its creators.

Making them proud of themselves.


A white paper thats painted,

Brings beauty and pleasure,

To its many beholders.

Making them happy of this sheer joyful experience.


A white paper thats painted,

Brings beauty and inspiration,

To its spectators.

Making them wanting to be a painted paper!


-Santosh Gopi Nair



A social parasite is nothing but a refined ruffian thats we can predominantly find in our society nowadays. Some examples are our political netas, read corrupt politicians(many with known criminal backgrounds, some convicted too), corrupt professionals like lawyers,doctors,teachers and engineers (you can find a chunk of this in the govt. sector), unethical businessman/industrialists and any human whose existence entitles to others suffering (his gain is proportional to others pain) can be termed a parasite.

A civilsed human does not have much significance in todays world as he is nothing but a raw material that oils the corrupt corporates and governments (watch Zeitgiest for more clarity on this),he is as much a part of corruption, just that he isn't much of a decision maker on how it is carried out,just a evolved follower of the same (check the previous blogs for videos explaining why?). Thus he is inferior to a painted person.

Some of the examples of a painted person are people who do their work out of joy and not any monetary benefits, sportpersons who enjoy their sport and would play even if there isn't much monetary benefits. The doctors who work for the downtrodden in the remote corners of the world. The actors who enact plays that are done for sheer joy and not much commercial benefits. The artists who perform their art as a way of their expression and nothing else. And many more whose life is like that of a candle in darkness, their fire brings light and can add fire to others life too!


Now a question- Can all be a painted paper?

The answer to this- I wish this was possible, the world would definetely be what it was meant to be, the true heaven. I still feel one can be a painted paper no matter what stage of life he is in if he is lucky to be with a life artist (an enlightened person or his teachings through some form) for a while, who can change the scribblings and verses to colours, forming art thus making the one valued and wanted by all. Most importantly one exibits freedom of thought and action, a birthright denied to all, as one is more or less controlled by his social framework and not entirely by his thoughts. A pure thought without selfishness is true freedom of existence in action! - Santosh Gopi Nair

Friday, April 24, 2009

Summer Sundown

Walking on my roof top,
Watching the sun set
With my body dripping wet.
Wondering why the sun makes me rain sweat...

Heat of the summer,
Repeats the glasses of water I drink.
I wonder where the water goes,
My body shows where it does.

The sun shines brighter than ever,
I smile, looking brighter than ever,
The reason, the shine of my bright white teeth,
On my dark tanned face!

I look darker than ever,
As I was fried in the eternal heater forever,
I change colour, From the bright white day
To a dark black night with shimmering stars

-Santosh Gopi Nair

P.S. Wow i am in a shock at penning my second poem, I thought the first one was a streak of imagination that comes once in a while, but the second one has given more confidence to pen more.... Ur comments on this, will strengthen my pursuit further....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

ZEITGEIST- a true human revelation!

Click on the link to play the video!

What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?

Is Religion a big scam created to put the world’s masses on servitude?

Are the big banking corporations of the world the real masters who control us?

Are Wars fought for profit and not for any mentioned purpose?

Is terrorism a self sponsored activity for America? and the world at large…

Are wars a necessity for a few wealthy beings benefits?

Are the so called monetary/economy protectors like Federal Reserves, IMF, World bank…. the actual destroyers of the economy…. Is inflation a requirement for their benefit?

To know the answers check out the video above……

P.S.: To join the movement register at

Sunday, April 19, 2009

TRUTH at its naked best form!

Watch this video Zeitgeist.Addendum fully... I guarantee this will make a difference to your life! Click on the link below to play the video....

P.S.: This is proof enough for my time-held belief that we are world citizens and our identity is only that of a miniscule beautiful part of the universe in harmony and not of any domineering warring forces living in insecurity and poverty within abundance!

Please spread this message and be a significant part of a noble revolution!
Competition is a waste of time enslaving us to uphold a few corporation's goals.

Technology is our best friend which helps us to enjoy and exhibit our freedom!

Equality and freedom is a birth right to all!

I am a world citizen! I live in harmony!

Being a part of military or a corporation is a dishonour!

Religion is a well fabled myth, made for human conditioning to a system of serve and accomplish, thus serving the system that dictates the rules in society which is corrupt in itself!

Money is an age old system made for and from the past, it’s a system not worthy of a future!
ALL this is good to say but accomplishing this will be an uphill task which requires a change in the entire society [the mindset of populace] and thus in the system. And how shall this change happen FROM US, with UNSELFISH efforts, within a period of time this can be a reality with true human democratic[literally and not politically] efforts.

I am clear on the fact that this isn't a practicality in today's world though the video says so but ofcourse a possibility over time if ALL work towards this as a GOAL. Awareness and spread of this message is a vital part of this change! And it will be a goal worth achieving....

Is being pro-Hindu in India being communal?

I am just upset about the fact that calling oneself a Hindu and acting like one has been tagged communal in our country. I believe discrimination is now towards the majority population of Hindus and not any minorities. The corrupt politicians are taking advantage of this very syndrome in our biased people. The corrupt politicians of our country are selfish people playing vote bank politics and thus a hindrance to progress! They are no different than the British who ruled our country using divide and rule. And our junta is falling for their poll-tact-tics [synonym of politics] than using their brains in determining the reality and the very goodness of unity. LIVE and LET LIVE! I think this is what all religions convey in their morals and principles, some interpret it wrong making idiots of themselves and the community and as there is no shortage of fools on earth, there are bound to be followers for the same. But does that mean even sensible and educated ones fall for this, defeating the very purpose of religion. The corrupt politcians who form the majority in politics are more powerful than the few honest politicians who form a minority, it is this minority that needs empowerment and not any religion based minorities of our nation. So lets focus on people who can assure good governance and not security for a community because that’s upto the law establishments to provide and not any hoodwink politician! A good politician strengthens the system and security for all is part of the system, you need a visionary to guide the system and not any brawny idiot in khadi.

Scribble Strokes

Thursday, April 9, 2009

vote or not to vote? doesn't make a difference!

Nowadays when i switch on the television and scan through the politically fevered news channels, we have our aamir khan and his nephew imran telling us the importance of our vote... lol... i wud rather prefered some commercial ads from these guys than a vote campaign, because in reality its not gonna make a difference, the vote banks are the poor people who don't watch these news channels and even if these ads are being streamed in the channels of the masses, they are still gonna vote for their fav corrupt caste/religion/community politician and not any educated goverance oriented politician, becoz they don't have the latter choice... for 2 reasons, one being that right canditates never get to stand for elections as they are denied tickets by major political parties due to their financial or ideological positions and if they choose to stand as independents, in most cases they lose as our people in majority do not believe in unsupported canditates for their own selfish reasons of regional development (which they expect but never really happens to the extent it is supposed to happen, so they settle for something is better than nothing) by winning party's backing, so independents lose even before they start...And the other reason being that our majorly poor electorate are very happy with star canditates who come to them with their large screen images of do gooders and our junta are in eternal bliss of reel than real, poverty denies education/oppurtunities and thus knowledge and thus intellect; our star canditates thus with their persona garner more votes than a real life do gooder independent politician.... and were star canditates aren't available, money and muscle power of political stalwarts/industrialists backed by area hooligans do the election magic of success by corruption, our poor aam junta are pleased by their electoral gifts of both cash and kind, forgetting that the more electoral gifts equals to lesser basic aminities in the next five years....a reduced standard of living is the price they pay for getting corrupt to have corrupt leaders representing them, increasing corruption means reducing oppurtunities and thus increasing poverty...Our poor junta write their own fate... One of the most interesting fact observed by news channels is that most of our policticans declared wealth have atleast doubled and in some cases increased upto 30 times from what it was in 2004... that also includes the non ruling parties politicians,wow that means a seat in parliament is all that u need to get to become richer, it doesn't matter whether you belong to ruling party or not,almost all of the canditates in the fray this year are crorepathis [lol....the representatives of the poor]..... i would love to watch a news channel doing a study into how these politicians earn their money, because thats something that our EC's law does not ask our politicians to declare... hope that column is also added in the future, it will be interesting to read some made up entreprener stories there as i don't expect any real story would be mentioned there.... now coming to our burgeoning middle class [actually poor compared to world standards], they are more than busy sending their next generation to study/work in US, Europe, Australia, Middle-east to work as cheap labour! We are at the end of the day techie coolies to these rich nations, you know what our middle class are actually visionaries, they know that world is running out of young population to take care of their businesses, so lets educate and skill our young ones to sent them to these places to sustain their economies and thus in turn become rich in our own countries, what a visionary thought! LOL.... we shall never have an environment of overall development for all and thus raise our own standards of living in our sweet old diverse nation... diverse in everything, united in the passport and visionary ideologies that we hold.... NOW coming to our growing powerful rich [NRIs included], we shall support any govt that favors more subsidies, special economic zones and laws for us to flourish in our trades and get an good advantage of using the abudant cheap labour in india, its estimated 70% of our populace is less than 35 yrs of age, thus we are a highly employable country... The rich want to back their people[corrupt politicians and vested industrialists are part of the same team] inorder to have a good life for themselves, they are least bothered about the have nots, because a higher standard of living and more oppurtunities in our own country will lead to increased cost of labour and costs of land, which is a hindrance to their good life standards, we want more servants for us and not more employees..... because employees need to be treated fairly and servants (read slaves chained by poverty) needn't... Thus vote or not to vote? doesn't make a difference!

If we become a super power in the future it will be just because of the worldly remittances of our huge employable workforce and the oppurtunities it creates [the reason why MNCs are eagerly setting up offices in india] and not because of our governments or industrialists... we are gonna grow by the basic law of demand and supply in this world on which our middle class visionaries are working and not by any visionary leadership in politics that will ensure growth and development... what is required is a huge change in mindset of our people burying differences and working for the commom goal of overall development of our country with no differenciation... we need more developed towns/cities and villages and not a few burgeoning metropolis.... when there is a day that all want a change and there is a all inclusive overall development with a quest to become the superpower of the world , that will be the day we will have/choose better leaders... i would prefer to rather stand in a rally for more laws against corruption and exisiting corrupt people, then stand in the polling booth to choose a already decided destiny, only name or party or symbol changes and not goverance!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Art blog

I been wondering why don't i find much picture blogs in the blogs that i happen to find/follow, decided why shouldn't i do one, and thus my random sketches is been added above creating my first picture/art/sketch blog! hope u enjoy the experience of this random art,do write ur observations/comments!

Monday, March 23, 2009


fIRE is an element that has always fascinated me as many a times, i felt, i identified with it. Then one day i happen to go through this small book that i got as a compliment from a fair stall years back that had some titbits about compatibility with regards to zodiac... hmmm, now with my growing interest in zodiacs and the very much compatibility curiosity in my mind i decide to read through it with my brains on overdrive with its analysis.... and voila i realise that i am a fire i understand why the warm human in me turns ultra ferocious when provoked..... then i keep pondering about this for a while and explore another fact that i did write an analogue in my diary of my anger in comparison to the nature of fire, a snippet of this analogue is as follows....

I am fIRE. Every hurt and loss in my life is like fuel to the fire. The fire starts getting bigger and stronger with more fuel. And with time, the fire due to its strength from more fuel in it, stops giving warmth and starts burning down whatever thats on its way. The fire is feared due to its destructive force but all it wants is to give more warmth & light and thus get loved...But fire doesn't get to determine its purpose but the circumstances is what that fuels it...thus with time people learn to... Respect Fire, Fire knows no fear and it never shall!...A raging fire can convert water to steam, earth to ash and consume air of its life....A warm fire can make water usable to sustain life, give earth warmth and give shape&size to the invisible air by coexistence...

Now,now,now... this above snippet from my diary was written while i was expressing my anger through writings during some bad time... but a wisdom thought that has come to me NOW is that fire isn't just destructive by more fuel but can also get constructive with more fuel though it needs to control itself... and my source of this wisdom is none other than our life giving SUN and the other stars of our galaxy who are nothing but huge globes of fire with loads of fuel....So,so,so i come to the conclusion that control your anger and change(redirect) your energies for more useful purposes like our very own SUN!

P.S.: For all those curious souls out there reading this, the elements that identify with your zodiac are as follows,
THE FIRE ELEMENT: (ARIES March 21-April 19, LEO July 23-August 22, SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21)
THE AIR ELEMENT: (GEMINI, May 21-June 21, LIBRA, September 23-October 22, AQUARIUS, January 20-February 18)
THE WATER ELEMENT: (CANCER, June 22-July 22, SCORPIO, OCTOBER 23-November 21, PISCES February 19-March 20)
THE EARTH ELEMENT: (TAURUS, April 20-May 20, VIRGO, August 23-September 22, CAPRICORN December 22-January 19)

And as far as compatibility of these signs are concerned its easy to figure out with the ease in which each gets along with the other, for example fire gets along well with air but not water and can coexist with earth… so just figure that out for yourself! U need to stimulate your brain cells too… and believe me its easy and worth the effort!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This is one of my motivational qoutes penned by me with a personal art creation infering the same!

Friday, March 6, 2009

An awesome quote on LAZINESS

Hey people this is a borrowed quote from Mohit Abraham that i am mentioning on this blog. All credits for this goes to my friend Mohit. The quote is "Laziness isn't lack of enthusiasm, it's just convenience".I can totally relate to this qoute with my present life choices. When i read this for the first time on his facebook account status, it striked me that i have stumbled upon a wisdom quote and i wud wanna give it more publicity, hence in my own small way i started blogging on this! Though my blog doesn't have any followers that i know of, even if a person stumbles on this it shall be worth the effort! Now thats enthusiasm though i am lazy to take more efforts to publicise this and hence take a convenient option of blogging to do so, now is that called living by the quote?!......

Thursday, March 5, 2009

MORE the Merrier - Dr.Rahman

Its raining recognitions for this Oscar winner.... He is going to be conferred an honorary doctorate by Anna University, Chennai, which will be awarded to him in a special convocation. Now we will have to address our very own A.R.Rahman as Dr.Rahman.. and what more,he has got 2 more filmfare awards for his music in JTYJN[best music director] and jodha akbar[best BGM] since he is been getting 2 of each of his recent awards, I decide to write 2 blogs on him and thus the birth of the second blog from me for Rahman... I am sure he is figuring out where to keep all these awards...In the future if people open a museum for this genius, there will be enough and more memorabilia to keep in terms of awards..... He has won 25 filmfare awards in total till date... Thats a gigantic achievement.... uff,so this literally means in the past decade he has won every other filmfare for music... maybe a miss in a couple of years when he was busy with international projects..... Shame on all the Reshamiya's and Deva's out there who are happy in stealing other's music rather than creating original music... Now our maestro (Dr.)Rahman to add variety to his collection of awards will have to compose more foreign language music to get other countries regional awards since he has exhausted all possible national and international ones[except Grammys which i am sure will get to his cupboard soon].... Now this is whats called 'raining awards'.... On a personal front,he getting a Doctorate from Anna University seems a bigger achievement to me and that too doing stuff he likes to do...... For me to get my hard-earned Bachelor's degree in Engineering from this same university was a mountaineous struggle and achievement... Anyways atleast i can call him My Senior, an other way to address him now, since we have degrees from the same university... The only few good things about passing out of Anna university is that i can take pride in having seniors like Abdul Kalam and A.R.Rahman, their greatness gives me joy and pride.... I shall satisfy myself with these 2[again] feelings till i get my own recognition,,,LOL,,,now is this called self-belief or over confidence?!... Now while I finish this blog i am wondering whats this thing about 2 in everthing to do with Rahman in the recent past,he has got 2 oscars,2 FF's,this is my second blog and it covers 2 topics[his 'Dr' and FF award] on him.... Numerologists out there, get this figured out and lets have a frong page publication on this on a leading daily, now i need to get into suggesting news ideas, thats seems a better profession for me.... I will have to properly figure out what i need to do for sure before i dream of recognition,,,,haha...ha...
P.S.:Get more of his details on

Sunday, March 1, 2009


One day I was sitting by the beachside,
Looking at the rising tide.
There passed a bald guy,
With his big paunchy stride.
He seemed detached,
From the world that's attached.
Busy with his thoughts,
Dizzy with his walk.
His exercise of de-stressing himself,
Looked distressful in itself.
I keep looking at the tides,
Receding to the sea.
The fall of the tide resembles
The fall of the economy.
This explains why,"Anything that goes up shall go down!"
But then I smile, as I know the tide shall be back,
On a high as always and everything shall be back.
I rise from the sand and
Walk back to my land.
I wish I could have told this to the bald guy,
To see him a happy guy.

P.S. : This is my first poem named 'RECESSION' . Hope my first attempt at poetry feels like one. Your suggestions and feedback is most welcome. I would like to dedicate this poem to the Random Musings girl [] whose poem on her blog has been a confidence building inspiration to write my own.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My definition of FOOLS

People who think and talk based on perceptions, especially the ones who have no know-how about their percieved's reality.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oscar for RAHMAN

I am very very happy for A.R.Rahman for winning his oscar for his music in Slumdog Millionaire,not just one, but two, it seemed as if it was longg duee.....God made him wait but when HE did give him his earthly rewards(oops Awards),he was most generous....Golden globe, BAFTA,Oscar and maybe Grammys shall get to this list too..... He is truely ALLAH RAKHA RAHMAN,the musical genius,the maestro de musique,the humble giant.... and i can keep using multiple good adjectives to describe this Mozart of Chennai and nothing would seem enough...He very much deserves the awards he has got.A great human with great talent and am sure he is gonna go places in the international scene,this is just the beginning.....JAI HO RAHMAN!

P.S.:For more details on him and his awards visit

CHANGE... This shall happen to all!

SomeBody said there is only one thing thats constant and thats CHANGE.... Wow what a thought i am totally with him on this.
Disclaimer: In my writing on this blog,I shall use the masculine gender to address a thought whose source i am not sure about,only for the sake of addressing, with all due respect to the feminine gender [I hope i satisfied the feminists out there], but is this disclaimer required? does thought have a gender too? doesn't it evolve out of the infinite space through some particle like us...isn't thinking a part of evolution.....Point to ponder!!! pls do!

Monday, February 23, 2009

My first OPINION, oops sorry BLOG, oops sorry again its MUSINGS...hAVE i got this Right????

My first blog or let me say musing, the latter being more appropriate for my kinda thinking:
"Everybody has a right to their opinion but what that matters, finally, is yours!"
"Freedom of speech, a great birthright of one being the citizen of a democracy, is what that turns out to be opinions, so as a requisite u get to listen to people too and just not choose to speak!"
hAVE i got this Right???? ..... "Ask this to youself because if you are gonna ask others u shall get an opinion , instead if you ask yourself, it leads to another Musing.........."